Saada Benjamin Mwasi | SheCodes

Saada Benjamin Mwasi

🇰🇪 Kenyan living in Nairobi Municipality, 🇰🇪 Kenya
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Saada Benjamin's Story Curiosity and exploration: Some people develop an interest in coding simply out of curiosity about how computers and technology work. Problem-solving mindset: Coding attracts individuals who enjoy tackling complex problems and finding logical solutions. The challenge of breaking down a problem into smaller, manageable parts and creating a working solution can be intellectually stimulating and rewarding. Exposure to technology: Many people become interested in coding through exposure to technology in their daily lives. Using smartphones, websites, and software applications can pique curiosity about how these digital tools are built and how they function behind the scenes. Creative expression: Coding offers a platform for creative expression. Individuals who have an artistic or design-oriented inclination may be drawn to coding as a means to bring their ideas to life in the digital realm. Building websites, creating interactive experiences, or designing visually appealing applications can be fulfilling for those with a creative mindset. Career prospects and market demand: The increasing demand for skilled programmers and the promising career prospects in the technology industry attract individuals who are motivated by professional opportunities. The potential for job security, high salaries, and the ability to work on exciting projects can be strong incentives to learn coding. Personal projects and hobbies: Some individuals start coding as a way to pursue personal projects or hobbies. It could be developing a personal website, building a mobile app, or automating repetitive tasks. Coding allows them to turn their ideas into reality and indulge in their passion projects.

🙋‍♀️ Saada Benjamin's Motivation

Expanding career opportunities: As a career opportunist, I may recognize the growing demand for tech professionals and understand that coding skills can give me a competitive edge in the job market. Skill development and marketability: By acquiring coding skills through SheCodes,I can enhance my professional skill set and increase my marketability. Proficiency in coding can make me a valuable asset to employers, especially in industries where technology plays a crucial role. Self-empowerment and independence: Developing coding skills can empower me to take charge of my career and professional growth. By learning how to code, I might become more self-reliant and capable of independently working on projects or even starting my own ventures. Innovation and creativity;With SheCodes, I can learn to develop websites, mobile apps, or software that showcase your creativity and problem-solving abilities. This enables me to contribute to innovative solutions and stand out in the industry. Continuous learning and personal growth: . By engaging with SheCodes, I can embrace a growth mindset and enjoy the process of lifelong learning, staying ahead of the curve and developing myself professionally. Networking and collaboration: SheCodes provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, including instructors, mentors, and fellow learners. Engaging in a community of learners and professionals can foster valuable networking and collaboration opportunities, which can further enhance your career prospects. When answering the question about your motivation for learning how to code with SheCodes as a career opportunist focused on personal development, you can emphasize your drive to seize new career opportunities, enhance your skills, and continuously grow in a dynamic industry. Additionally, I can highlight my eagerness to embrace innovation, foster creativity, and connect with a community of learners and professionals to maximize my professional potential.

🤹‍♀️ Saada Benjamin's Hobbies

ooking: I can explore new recipes, experiment with different ingredients and techniques, and even create your own unique dishes.I could try out various cuisines, participate in cooking classes, or document culinary adventures through a food blog or social media. Traveling: Traveling allows me to explore new cultures, visit exciting destinations, and experience different cuisines. I can plan trips to new places, immerse myself in local traditions, try regional dishes, and create memories through photography or journaling. Traveling also provides opportunities for adventure activities like hiking, scuba diving, or bungee jumping. Watching adventurous movies: I can indulge in thrilling stories and exciting escapades from the comfort of my home or in cinemas. I explore various genres like action, adventure, science fiction, or fantasy. Sometimes we organize movie nights with friends or and participate in film discussions to share our love for adventurous films. I combine my interests. , seek out local cooking classes, and try traditional dishes in different countries. You might even find inspiration from adventurous movies to create themed meals or host movie nights with friends. All this combine they bring joy,fun and excitement in my life.


Saada Benjamin's coding training

Saada Benjamin has gained access to SheCodes Plus for at no cost. It’s a 4 month coding training that’ll take her from a beginner to a professional.

She'll learn popular technologies, from HTML, CSS, JavaScript and development tools. She'll also get to build her own online portfolio to showcase to potential employers!

📦 SheCodes Plus includes all of our workshops:
1. Basics Coding Workshop (3 weeks)
2. Basics Add-on (1 week)
3. Plus Coding Workshop (8 weeks)
4. Plus Add-on (2 weeks)
She’ll gain access to each portion after finishing the preceding portion. She’ll build up her coding knowledge gradually along the way. 🙌

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SheCodes Foundation Mission

Women currently hold 25% of coding jobs and earn 30% less money than men. In most developing countries, more than 65% of women don't have bank accounts and cannot afford to invest in their education. Female refugees also don’t have many opportunities to invest in their education and improve their career horizon - they often work in unskilled, undervalued, and low-paid informal sectors.

SheCodes is here to help provide women in developing countries and women who are refugees with the opportunity to learn how to code for free. SheCodes offers a solid introduction to product development, product design and product management.


Why learn how to code?

Coding knowledge creates new job opportunities, improves your analytical thinking, and enhances your personal or professional skill set.

Get a Job in Tech

Learning how to code provides you with new career opportunities and helps make you a more marketable employee in our increasingly technological job market.

Grow Your Skill Set

Gain some coding knowledge to improve your personal or professional skill set.

Improve Your Analytical Thinking

Learning how to code improves your analytical thinking, which is a critical skill to have in the workplace.


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