Blessing Aladeokin | SheCodes

Blessing Aladeokin

🇳🇬 Nigerian living in Ibadan, 🇳🇬 Nigeria
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Blessing's Story My fascination with coding emerged during my undergraduate studies in computer science, where I was introduced to the fundamental concepts of programming. Initially, coding was merely a requirement for certain courses, but as I delved deeper into the subject, I began to grasp its profound implications across various disciplines, including my own field of research. Witnessing how coding empowered me to bring abstract concepts to life through tangible applications ignited a curiosity and passion within me. Moreover, I recognized the transformative potential of coding as a tool for problem-solving and innovation. The ability to write code that could automate tasks, analyze data, and create simulations opened up a world of possibilities in research and beyond. As I embarked on research projects, I found myself increasingly drawn to coding as a means to tackle complex challenges and explore new frontiers. Furthermore, witnessing the impact of coding in driving technological advancements and shaping our digital world fueled my desire to deepen my understanding and proficiency in this field. Ultimately, my journey into coding was propelled by a blend of academic curiosity, practical application, and a desire to leverage technology for positive change, driving me to continuously expand my coding skills and explore its myriad applications in research and beyond.

🙋‍♀️ Blessing's Motivation

As a researcher, my motivation for learning how to code with SheCodes Foundation stems from the recognition of the transformative power that coding skills can have in enhancing research capabilities and outcomes. By acquiring proficiency in coding through SheCodes, I aim to augment my analytical toolkit, enabling me to efficiently process and analyze large datasets, conduct simulations, and develop models to address complex research questions. This skill set will not only enhance the rigor and depth of my research but also enable me to explore interdisciplinary approaches and collaborate with experts across various domains. Additionally, learning to code with SheCodes Foundation aligns with my commitment to lifelong learning and staying abreast of advancements in technology, which are increasingly shaping the landscape of research methodologies and practices. Ultimately, by mastering coding with SheCodes Foundation, I aspire to unlock new avenues for innovation, discovery, and impact in my research endeavors, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society.

🤹‍♀️ Blessing's Hobbies

Outside of research and coding, I enjoy engaging in various hobbies that stimulate both my mind and body. These include hiking in nature to unwind, experimenting with new recipes in my bakery, and immersing myself in literature to broaden my perspectives and nurture creativity.


Blessing's coding training

Blessing has gained access to SheCodes Plus for at no cost. It’s a 4 month coding training that’ll take her from a beginner to a professional.

She'll learn popular technologies, from HTML, CSS, JavaScript and development tools. She'll also get to build her own online portfolio to showcase to potential employers!

📦 SheCodes Plus includes all of our workshops:
1. Basics Coding Workshop (3 weeks)
2. Basics Add-on (1 week)
3. Plus Coding Workshop (8 weeks)
4. Plus Add-on (2 weeks)
She’ll gain access to each portion after finishing the preceding portion. She’ll build up her coding knowledge gradually along the way. 🙌

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SheCodes Foundation Mission

Women currently hold 25% of coding jobs and earn 30% less money than men. In most developing countries, more than 65% of women don't have bank accounts and cannot afford to invest in their education. Female refugees also don’t have many opportunities to invest in their education and improve their career horizon - they often work in unskilled, undervalued, and low-paid informal sectors.

SheCodes is here to help provide women in developing countries and women who are refugees with the opportunity to learn how to code for free. SheCodes offers a solid introduction to product development, product design and product management.


Why learn how to code?

Coding knowledge creates new job opportunities, improves your analytical thinking, and enhances your personal or professional skill set.

Get a Job in Tech

Learning how to code provides you with new career opportunities and helps make you a more marketable employee in our increasingly technological job market.

Grow Your Skill Set

Gain some coding knowledge to improve your personal or professional skill set.

Improve Your Analytical Thinking

Learning how to code improves your analytical thinking, which is a critical skill to have in the workplace.


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