Kelly Dune | SheCodes

Kelly Dune

🇿🇼 Zimbabwean living in Durban, 🇿🇦 South Africa
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Kelly's Story My interest in coding began when I was introduced to basic programming concepts during my high school years. I was fascinated by the idea of using language to communicate with computers and to solve problems in a systematic way. As I delved deeper into coding tutorials and projects, I became increasingly intrigued by the endless possibilities that coding offered for creativity and innovation. Moreover, witnessing the impact of technology in various aspects of daily life further fueled my curiosity. Whether it was mobile apps streamlining tasks, websites connecting people globally, or artificial intelligence revolutionizing industries, I realized that coding was at the core of these advancements. Additionally, I found coding to be incredibly empowering. The ability to build something from scratch and see it come to life on a screen was both exhilarating and rewarding. This sense of empowerment motivated me to explore coding further and to seek out opportunities to deepen my understanding and proficiency. Overall, my interest in coding stemmed from a combination of curiosity, fascination with technology, and the desire to create and innovate in a digital world. This initial spark has continued to drive my passion for coding as I embark on my journey to learn and grow in this dynamic field.

🙋‍♀️ Kelly's Motivation

My motivation for learning how to code with SheCodes stems from several key factors: 1. **Passion for Technology**: I am genuinely passionate about technology and its ability to solve problems and improve lives. Learning how to code with SheCodes will enable me to actively participate in the tech industry and contribute to innovative solutions. 2. **Career Advancement**: I recognize that coding skills are in high demand across various industries. By acquiring coding skills through SheCodes, I aim to enhance my career prospects and open up opportunities for advancement in the tech field. 3. **Personal Growth**: I am eager to challenge myself and embark on a journey of continuous learning and personal growth. Mastering coding languages with SheCodes will not only expand my skill set but also boost my confidence in tackling complex challenges. 4. **Community and Support**: SheCodes provides a supportive learning environment and a community of like-minded individuals. Engaging with this community will allow me to exchange ideas, seek guidance, and collaborate on projects, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual growth. 5. **Empowerment**: Learning how to code empowers me to create and bring my ideas to life. With SheCodes, I will gain the tools and knowledge necessary to turn my creative concepts into tangible projects, empowering me to make a positive impact in the digital world. Overall, my motivation for learning how to code with SheCodes is driven by a combination of passion, career aspirations, personal development goals, community engagement, and the desire to empower myself with valuable skills for the future.

🤹‍♀️ Kelly's Hobbies

Outside of coding and learning, I have a variety of hobbies and activities that I enjoy for fun and relaxation: 1. **Reading**: I love getting lost in a good book, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or even technical literature related to coding and technology. 2. **Outdoor Activities**: I enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it's hiking in nature, going for a run, or simply taking a leisurely stroll in the park. Connecting with nature helps me recharge and clear my mind. 3. **Music**: I have a passion for music and enjoy both listening to a wide range of genres and playing musical instruments. Whether it's strumming on the guitar, tinkering on the piano, or simply discovering new artists and songs, music is a significant part of my life. 4. **Cooking and Baking**: I find joy in experimenting with different recipes and flavors in the kitchen. Cooking and baking not only allow me to unwind and express my creativity but also result in delicious meals and treats to share with friends and family. 5. **Traveling and Exploring**: I love exploring new places, whether it's visiting a bustling city, hiking in the mountains, or relaxing on a beach. Traveling allows me to experience different cultures, cuisines, and perspectives, broadening my horizons and creating lasting memories. 6. **Art and Creativity**: Engaging in various forms of artistic expression, such as drawing, painting, or crafting, is another hobby that I enjoy. It provides a creative outlet and allows me to express myself in different ways. Overall, these hobbies not only bring me joy and fulfillment but also contribute to a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle. They provide opportunities for relaxation, self-expression, and personal growth outside of my professional pursuits.


Kelly's coding training

Kelly has gained access to SheCodes Plus for at no cost. It’s a 4 month coding training that’ll take her from a beginner to a professional.

She'll learn popular technologies, from HTML, CSS, JavaScript and development tools. She'll also get to build her own online portfolio to showcase to potential employers!

📦 SheCodes Plus includes all of our workshops:
1. Basics Coding Workshop (3 weeks)
2. Basics Add-on (1 week)
3. Plus Coding Workshop (8 weeks)
4. Plus Add-on (2 weeks)
She’ll gain access to each portion after finishing the preceding portion. She’ll build up her coding knowledge gradually along the way. 🙌

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SheCodes Foundation Mission

Women currently hold 25% of coding jobs and earn 30% less money than men. In most developing countries, more than 65% of women don't have bank accounts and cannot afford to invest in their education. Female refugees also don’t have many opportunities to invest in their education and improve their career horizon - they often work in unskilled, undervalued, and low-paid informal sectors.

SheCodes is here to help provide women in developing countries and women who are refugees with the opportunity to learn how to code for free. SheCodes offers a solid introduction to product development, product design and product management.


Why learn how to code?

Coding knowledge creates new job opportunities, improves your analytical thinking, and enhances your personal or professional skill set.

Get a Job in Tech

Learning how to code provides you with new career opportunities and helps make you a more marketable employee in our increasingly technological job market.

Grow Your Skill Set

Gain some coding knowledge to improve your personal or professional skill set.

Improve Your Analytical Thinking

Learning how to code improves your analytical thinking, which is a critical skill to have in the workplace.


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